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Ps4+VR+5 games

Asking Prize : 1900

6/18/2020 9:36:14 AM

Product Description

Sony PS4 Console 500GB + VR new edition. Games: Horizon Zero Dawn + Uncharterd 4 + Gran Turismo + Driveclub + Vr world. Accessories: 2 controllers + 2 Headphones + camera + VR headset Free delivery Only for 1900QR Whatsapp: 50504095

(9 / 10 / 10494 )

Advertiser information and contact

Advertiser Name : ( 360° GAMING CENTER )

Contact Numebr/Mobile : ( 33331738 )

number of ads : ( 12 )

Images of the product


Product Key Word

Sony Console 500GB edition Games Horizon Zero Dawn Uncharterd Gran Turismo Driveclub world Accessories controllers Headphones camera headset Free delivery Only 1900QR Whatsapp 50504095Ps4 VR 5 games